Would you please stay on camera at all times?
Please be respectful to the medium and others while in our room.
If you need to eat something, please move to one side of your camera until finished.
Please ensure that you are muted at all times once the service starts unless the speaker asks you to unmute yourself.
Please do not promote yourself, anyone else, another organisation, a shop selling spiritual items or another zoom room.
If you feel tired or unwell and think you may fall asleep, consider not coming on that evening. While we appreciate you trying, your health and well-being is important to us.
Some have said that we may have too many rules. These were implemented to ensure a safe environment for all those attending.
Our organisers want you to enjoy the services you are attending and, after consideration, the above rules were implemented.
Again, we encourage people to attend and want to make your experience as pleasant as possible.